Handyman Services

Too many Projects and Too Little Time?

Look to us for handyman services in Chicago, IL

Does your to-do list keep getting longer? Don’t smother yourself in tasks. Count on Ferger Home Repair  for handyman services in Chicago, IL. We have experience working on many different kinds of jobs. If you’ve found yourself struggling to keep up with projects around the house, turn to our team for local handyman services.

We’ll help you save money by repairing the problem rather than opting for replacement. Take a load off, hand us your to-do list and we’ll get to work. Trust our handymen to cross off everything on your to-do list today.

Offering comprehensive handyman services

Interior Jobs

  • Bathroom installation
  • lights fixtures installation
  • Drywall repairs
  • Appliance installation
  • General home repairs

Exterior Jobs

  • Gutter repairs
  • Deck staining
  • Roof repairs
  • Fence repairs
  • Painting and staining
  • Pressure washing
  • Gate installation

Don’t see the service you need listed? There’s a good chance we offer it. Call today to learn more about our local handyman services.

Contact Ferger Home Repair!